Tennessee Horse Rescue

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit horse rescue organization rescuing equines from slaughter, abuse, and neglect.

Our main goal is to protect those without a voice; neglected, abused, starving, disabled, older horses, and other equines. We will provide a clean, healthy sanctuary for rescuing and rehabilitating horses, including; vet care, farrier services, gentle training, anxiety and abuse healing, as well as retirement.

When a horse first arrives at our facility, they will be quarantined until they are deemed disease free by a licensed veterinarian as well as, strong enough to be with the others in the pasture. Some are so weak from malnutrition and/or mental beatdown, that they cannot fend for themselves in a herd so we will make sure they are stable, physically and emotionally.

Save A Horse

Horse Sanctuary

Pasture: Beautiful, Peaceful, and Safe

We want horses to be horses; grazing, running, playing, rolling, sleeping, and enjoying their lives as they should be, here or at a caring, new home.

Stables: Individual Stalls for Healing

Upon arrival horses will be kept separate from the other horses until they are vet cleared and are not a threat to other horses. Also, if they have anxiety, we will keep them separated.

Location: In the Heart of Tennessee

As most people know, Middle Tennessee is Horse Country. Horses from this area are used to the climate and those coming from other parts of the country will be aclimated over time.

Horse Sanctuary
Horses don't care what you know, until they know you care.
Horses Helping Humans

Tennessee Horse Rescue hopes to assist the Equine Therapy Centers by providing the best of our rescued equines for use with; Disabled Persons, Veterans, PTSD Clients, and those with Special Needs. If these beautiful animals can be helped, are very gentle, then they can help and have a purpose interacting with these very special individuals.


For those of you who love horses or just want to help but do not have the land or facilities to own a horse, Fostering a rescue horse may be the answer. We will you give the monthly cost for a horse who will not be re-homed and you can come by and visit and show some love to your four-legged foster child.


We will never allow a horse to be adopted until we are sure they are healthy, safe to handle, and going to a really great home. The adoptive family will have an application to fill out as well as other documentation needed by the state and/or for legal purposes.