Rescue Horses

The history of mankind is carried on the back of a horse

Rescue Horses Need A Home

Number of rescue horses in the United States. The rangeland population of horses shrunk from 20 million to 3 million, with the majority being slaughtered. The West, which was settled in part due in large measure to the horse, hosted shooting parties, in the 20th century.

What Is The Law

In 1971, a well-orchestrated campaign from the public led to the passage of the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act to provide for the management and protection of wild horses and burros on the land they occupied.

Worldwide Culling

Wild horses are “culled,” or gunned down by helicopters in Australia because of excess numbers. Few see that as a likely path for the United States, but the pressure is on to do something, and do something soon.

Mexico & Canada

Since shutting down slaughterhouses, the US still ships equines to Mexico and Canada. There they are slaughtered and sold to meat processing facilities and other operations that use horse meat, it's reprehensible.

Surrendering Horses

For those who are no longer capable of caring for their horses due to physical limitations, cost of feed, vet and hoof care, or losing their home and pastureland, surrendering your horse is an option.

Strays & Wild Horses

There are 50,000 horses kept in off-range corrals or pastures, with many that have no chance at being adopted into private care because of age or other factors. If you have land, you can help rescue horses.

Horses - God's Gift To Us

Rescue Horses
Rescue Burros
Equine Rescues
Horse Adoptions
Rescue A Horse
Foster A Pony