When you need what's best for you and your horse
Surrendering a horse may be the answer for many owners who love their horses however due to the owner's age, finances, illness or divorce, they may no longer be able to care for them. Sending them to an auction, or kill pen, is never an option, please call us first. Many of these places, and people, then sell them to Mexico and Canada, where the slaughter continues or some equines wait in pens for the rest of their lives, never to be placed at a caring home.
Posting an ad to give your horse to a home for free is like putting the crosshair right between its eyes. Many irreputable people scan for ads like that, pose as caring horse owners, then it's off to be slaughtered.
If you decide to surrender your equine to Tennessee Horse Rescue, please give us all the information you have on them. Even if you think it's a negative or embarrasing, we don't consider that and only want what's best for you and the animal. There is NO cost for you to surrender an equine, however there will be a form to fill out and sign giving up your ownership rights.
Below are some of the questions listed on our form if you would like to read them over before downloading or printing the surrender agreement. Please know it is a legal, binding document. If you do not have a way to download or print, please call or email us, and we will send the information to you.
please read carefully
By its nature, the horse is a fearful animal. Equines are prey animals, meaning other animals hunt them for food so they are leary of humans too. At the same time, it possesses immense power that is incommensurate with the capabilities of a human, and can injure a person unknowingly if it suddenly bolts, startles, stands on hind legs or jerks back.
For safety, please list all information, positive and negative, to give your equine the best chance for a good life.
Our goal is to help these amazing animals and provide them a safe and healthy environment. For those that are rideable, gentle and capable, we hope to assist equine therapy programs by donating the animal to help people with special needs and disabilities. Horses are very sensitive and understand more than most people think, they can be very therapeutic for the right people and in turn, gives the equine a new purpose in life.
Please call for more information. If we are busy and do not answer, we will see the call and return it as soon as possible, or feel free to leave a message.